goals for november

Goals november

You guys, I've been so lazy this last month. It's terrible. All I've wanted to do is read (non-school) books, eat pasta, and watch Sons of Anarchy. Even now I'm sitting on the couch under a blanket, waiting on pizza, and watching the NYC Marathon. Yes, I'm literally watching people run.

Needless to say, I only met one of my October goals. I need to get out of this funk asap.

goals for november

Continue to read for pleasure. It sounds counterproductive, but my school activities are winding down and I'm nearing graduation. Reading for pleasure helps keep my stress down and gives me something outside of binge-watching Gilmore Girls on Netflix.

Cook three times a week. Preferably not pasta.

Run. I have a 5k right after Thanksgiving, and the weather is finally perfect.

Spend time outdoors every night I'm home. Because I totally didn't do this last month.

The laziness will go away with the time change and the cooler weather, I just know it will.

PS: The picture is my class notes for my capstone project. We're so close to being done.

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